
  • 我比以往任何时候都更独立、乐观、强壮和优雅。
  • 我每天都会关注到自己的身体、头脑、心灵,和自己有温柔相处的、全然接纳的时刻。
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  • 我身边的小伙伴处于流动之中;他们都很好:开放、求真、会爱。我们彼此欣赏、帮助,互相启发。和其中一些人,在自如随意的对话和讨论之中,我汲取也分享;和另外一些人,我们互相陪伴彼此经历人生,我获得和给予滋养和安全感;和另外一些人,我们玩耍嬉戏,共度好时光。
  • 我每天都和他人有良好的互动——即使只有一次。
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  • 我不知道我什么时候能从「漫游」状态的线索中拈出一朵花来。但即使在混沌和不确定中,我也 do a good job keeping my mind Light, Open, and Sharp.
  • 我更积极地去参与真实世界的游戏——不管是商业的部分,还是一个其它的生命的展开。make an honest living。
  • 我有目标、有在磨练的技艺;我有轻重缓急、有专注,每天都会有心流的体验。
  • 我学习了更多 cognitive science(neuro science & 心灵哲学)和方面的知识;舞跳得更棒了。
  • 我在动中观察我的内心世界(动机、情绪、性格和思维)、更富有觉察,我的内在修为在长进。
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  • 我在这一年中,去了更多的地方;建立/治理/参与/进入了好社群,认识了更多五湖四海的好友。在旅行和生活中,我连接到2016年的 Amber——好奇、充满创造力、简单、快乐。


More independent, optimistic, strong, and graceful than ever before,

Each day, I tend to my body, mind, and spirit, embracing moments of tender self-acceptance and care.

My companions, ever-fluid, are splendid souls: open, truth-seeking, loving.

We appreciate, assist, and inspire one another.

In dialogues and discussions, I draw and impart wisdom with some;

With others, I share life’s journey, offering and receiving nurture and safety;

And with yet others, we play and laugh, cherishing joyful times.

Daily, I engage positively with others.

Uncertain when I’ll pluck a bloom from the wandering state, but even amidst chaos and uncertainty, I keep my mind light, open, and sharp.

More actively, I partake in the real world’s game - be it business or another life unfolding.

With goals and skills honed, priorities clear, focus sharp, each day brings flow.

In motion, I observe my inner world - motives, emotions, personality, thoughts, Growing more mindful, my inner cultivation advances.

I’ve traveled more, engaged in vibrant communities,

Met friends from all corners of the earth.

In travels and life, I reconnect with the core part of me, - curious, creative, simple, joyful.